Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sowed & Reaped Goodbye

Volume 59: Power In Silence 

While your texts
No replies responded :
He was too busy
entertaining others.
You were forgotten 
Already replaced.
One day ,
His narcissistic 
player ways
will be his downfall.
Backfired :
The player 
got " played "
For in life ,
You'll ALWAYS 
be held accountable 
for your actions.
take accountability.
For God ,
Presents circumstances 
to force you 
to take responsibility.
Though ,
God says ,
Dear child ,
By the time
He realizes 
your self-worth :
It's too late ;
You're MIA
Loving someone new.
For Your
Sowed & Reaped Goodbye ,
For What 
He sowed
He shall reap :
With selfish 
intentions planted ;
" Goodbye " was
his harvest.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Power In Silence

Volume 59: Power In Silence 

Just because
you're quiet
doesn't always 
mean heartache :
In sound's absence 
you're upgrading.
in progress. 
Don't ever 
wait on a man 
to be ready :
Just move on
to a man 
that already is. 
Leave behind 
the liars and cheaters :
Find a 
honest authentic man.
A man that you 
never have to doubt 
his true intentions.
Though ,
God says ,
Dear child ,
Let your silence
be deafening
to their ears.
For Your 
Power In Silence ,
They underestimated
your cut-off game
would be savage.