Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Peace Through Pain

Volume 5: The Weak Are Strong

When depressed,
I just think of you.
When you cry,
I cry too.
I never
feel alone,
For you're
always near.
Worries can wait.
For we'll
figure it out.
We have
work to do.
I can remember,
When we first met.
Your smiling faces,
made my heart swell.
How you always,
found the positive
in the negative.
How strong,
the love
of family
you have.
I know that,
We will
have peace,
When we
are done.
For Sam and Dean,
Carry on
my wayward son.

By Lisa Loraine Henderson

This poem is dedicated to
the Supernatural cast,
my SPN family, Jared
Padalecki, Jensen Ackles,
Misha Collins, Jim Beaver,
Felicia Day, and Mark
Sheppard. I hold
Supernatural close to my
heart. I love the whole cast.